Tuesday 8 March 2011

Sky Anytime

Sky Anytime Recordings Won’t Play

If you're having a problem watching your Anytime+ recordings, here’s some advice to help solve your issue.

 First of all try pausing a programme on any channel, leave for a few seconds and press play.If you are able to do this then, delete the content you downloaded in your planner and try downloading it again.

If this doesn’t work continue with the advice below:

Instructions to rebuild your planner

Please note that this procedure will stop any recordings currently in progress - if you're currently recording a programme, you may wish to wait until it's finished before continuing.If you wish to continue, follow the instructions below:

1. Press services on your Sky remote control, then select Settings.
2. Press numbers 0, then 1, then select.
3. Highlight 'Sky+ Planner Rebuild' and press select.

Your Sky box will show this warning message:

"This will take a few minutes to complete. The rebuild will stop all recordings and reboot your Sky+HD. Press select to continue or backup to stop".

Press select to continue and you should see the "Housekeeping please wait" message. It can take up to two minutes for the housekeeping message to disappear.

Your Sky box will then carry out the procedure, switch itself off and then switch itself back on automatically and wait in standby mode.

When the red light appears, wait for two minutes 30 seconds before pressing the standby/Sky button so the light goes green.

If Sky continues to switch back to live TV during playback of recordings, please try a full system reset.